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2008 Geneseo Air Show - U.S.A., July 12, 2008

B17 Bomber Memphis Bell taxis in during the 2008 Geneseo Air Show

The Geneseo Air Show, held at the Geneseo Airport in New York State, brings many of the historical aircraft of World War 2 together for excellent static and flying performances. The multitude of people who attend the show walk amongst the aircraft and make way when the planes taxi in or out on to the runway. The airport is about 3 hours drive from Acton - which is pretty close. 

The B17 Memphis Belle was also on hand and here the pilot is bringing back the plane after his flight around the airfield. Joe and I had also seen this plane at the 2007 Niagara Falls Airshow but it could not make it off the ground due to the condition of the grass field - so it was good to see this large plane fly. The Niagara Falls show also had the planes roped off on the airfield so you couldn't get near the planes. So the Geneseo Airshow is just the ticket if you like to see the planes and their pilots up close.

Military reenactors gather around a jeep and a Douglas aircraft at the 2008 Geneseo Airshow

There was also a large contingent of military reenactors on hand showing off the equipment and uniforms used during the war. Here a jeep complete with a machine gun and some airborne soldiers wait by the side of a Douglas aircraft transport plane.

2008 Geneseo Airshow - crowds wander among the aircraft

Crowds check out the colourful mustangs lined up along the edge of airfield. The entrance cost for an adult was $15 (Cdn was taken at par) and you parked your car in the airport so you could always return to your car for drinks, chairs and food. The weather on the Saturday was extremely warm - with the occasional shower thrown in for good measure so the umbrellas came in handy. We ended up under the wing of one plane as we waited out the rain.

2008 Geneseo Airshow - crowds along the runway with umbrellas protecting against the sun and the rain

2008 Geneseo Airshow - rain on a plane

2008 Geneseo Airshow - P40 flying tiger teeth on the cowling

The famous P40 flying tiger aircraft with the sharks teeth painted on the engine cowling. The planes fought the japanese in China during the war. One of the many P40s taking part in the show makes a pass along the field.

2008 Geneseo Airshow - P40 flying Tiger

2008 Geneseo Airshow - Harvards take to the field

Yellow Harvards take to the field on their way to the runway. Volunteers cleared the taxi fields as the planes get ready to warm up, then the planes taxi to the the runway and the people return to their spots. Some of the Harvards gather for the missing man formation. This picture is just before one of the aircraft peels away, leaving the missing man.

2008 Geneseo Airshow - Harvard planes at the start of the missing man formation

One of the old Douglas transport planes with the black and white stripes used during the invasion of Europe. The paint fades and is starting to peel.

2008 Geneseo Airshow - the black and white stripes used during the invasion of Europe are peeling on this Douglas transport aircraft

2008 Geneseo Airshow - the Corsair takes off from the grass runway

The Corsair with the bent wings made to keep the props from hitting the ground (or the aircraft carrier) takes off from the grass (or turf) runway.

See more of the air show here.

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