Ontario Dodge Rodeo tour - Mississauga's Hershey Centre, September 28,

The arena is converted
into a rodeo during the three day event held at the Hershey Centre. The
seats all give a great view of the action.

At the beginning
of the show they bring out all the cowboys and cowgirls and introduce the
various catagories of the show. I think these guys bowed down to pray that
they wouldn't get run over.

A lot of times
the bronco or bull wins the event and the rider is thrown to the ground.
And some times they get stomped on. This cowboy got hurt when the bull
ran over his leg.

There was calf
wrestling and calf roping (single and team roping).

The crowd loved
the cowgirl barrel races and the precision colour guard.

And if you are
coming down to the rodeo don't forget to wear your cowboy hat - everyone
else seems to.