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June 6, 2007
Quadriga at Union Station

Luminato art festival in Toronto. Installation of four floating horses suspended from ceiling of Union Station by artist Max Steicher, title "Quadriga".

I travel to Toronto by GO train from Milton (about an hour trip) and in Union Station I find four horses suspended from the ceiling. I think it is very interesting and have fun taking pictures in the vast cathedral that is the old railway station. Later I find that this work is part of the Luminato art festival currently underway in Toronto with this specific work called "Quadriga" by artist Max Steicher.

Traveling north I stop by BCE place because of the cool archway that runs through the building. It is filled with large black floating balls which I find out is "Le Grand Mobile" by artist Xavier Veilhan.

If you click on my link here: www.imagesbythehamiltons.com/Toronto.htm, you can find a picture of Le Grand Mobile as well as more pictures of my travels thru downtown Toronto including Nathan Phillips Square and Queens Park.

June 9, 2007
Memphis Belle B17 Bomber

World War II B-17 Bomber Memphis Belle at the Russell Group Air Show in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.

It is a perfect day to watch airplanes at the Russell Group Airshow in Niagara Falls, Ontario. This show features prop planes from the World War I and II era including this B-17 Bomber (Flying Fortress) made up as the "Memphis Belle".

This is the plane that was reconfigured to be the Memphis Belle for the 1990 movie of the same name. The original plane was used for war bond promotions after it's bombing tour and is now with the National Museum of the United States Air Force near Dayton, Ohio. This Bomber was famous as it was the first plane to complete the required 25 combat missions necessary to return to the States and leave the war behind.

The air show also had great fighters like the spitfire, hurricane, Messerschmitt and also some WWI biplanes and triplanes. It is interesting to see some of these fine airplanes and hear some of the pilots that flew and fought in the skies over Europe.

June 14, 2007
Fairy Lake frog

Fairy Lake frog, Acton, Ontario.

The weather has been perfect and I decide to bike around Acton and see what is going on. In Acton's Prospect park the new Community Sports Building is almost complete and the parking lot has been paved. In Fairy Lake the frogs are lazy - just hanging around wasting time singing a few frog tunes.

We got our temporary pool opened in the backyard last week and it has warmed up nicely - welcome to summer baby.

June 23, 2007
Tasty Acton

Mill St E (Highway #7) closed at Main St for the Taste of Acton event

Mill St E is closed at Main St for the "Taste of Acton". The road closed sign is up to give time for the participants get ready for the noon to 4 pm so the crowd hasn't started to show up yet. The Acton BIA put on a great afternoon of fun including horse carriage rides, a band and DJ, some face painting and of course some sampling of food from some great local restaurants.

I showed up later to cover the event as a photographer for SNAP Halton Hills - a local community event newspaper so keep an eye out for the July issue which should be in circulation any time soon.

I think the next time the road will be closed will be for the Leathertown festival in August. Ann will be setting up a booth on Sunday August 12 to sell prints of her artwork. Here is a copy of one of the ads she has made up for the sale. Drop by and say hello and buy a few dozen prints for your art collection.

Ad for artist Ann Hamilton for a sale at the Acton Leathertown Festival.

June 28, 2007
Acton Curling Club website

Acton Curling Club website header by Ann Hamilton.

Ann and I have also been kept busy working on the Acton Curling Club's new website www.actoncurlingclub.com. The above artwork was created by Ann completely on the computer and it looks great! We will continue to work on the website as we have only loaded the home page at this time.

June 29, 2007
Summer evening soccer

Evening girls soccer game at the Elizabeth Street field, Acton, Ontario.

Families watch along the sidelines as the girls soccer league teams of Acton and Rockwood battle it out as the sun falls into the western sky. Grandparents, the Mincoffs, and Ann and I sat down in the cool shade of the tree when the game started and we watched the shadow of the tree head over to the other teams bench during the game. Rockwood played the better game and easily won.

July 1, 2007
Canada Day Fireworks

Canada Day fireworks in Acton

We enjoyed another great fireworks show in Acton's Prospect Park during our Canada Day celebrations. Click on this link to see the firefighters setting up for the show and some video of the fireworks.

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