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The Hamilton Family of Acton, Ontario, Canada
July 25, 2007
3 Musketears Skatepark

Acton's "3 Musketears Skatepark" grand opening was celebrated with a performance by the West49 Flow Riders. The skatepark is right behind the Arena and Community Centre on Highway #7. Local youth have been flocking to the park since the concrete was dry.

Most of the pro skaters didn't wear protection and when they moved to the stairs leading into the park they rarely hit the landing - so it was very painful, just see the video below and another here.

July 26, 2007
Family trip to Lake Erie

Ann had so much fun in the Lake Erie area of Ontario with her girlfriends that we decide to take another trip into the region. Here we are in the forest surrounding the Winter Wheat country folk store in Sparta, Ontario. It is very Alice in Wonderland and you can wander and take in the installations and metal sales as well as stop in little houses and have some tea and cookies.

Our first stop was at TCM Metal Art in Harrietsville where we had to buy another piece of art.

For more pictures and information on our adventure in this great part of Ontario just click on this link.

July 29, 2007
Fergus Truck Show

Show and shine, reflection in big rig hubcap

The trucks were pulling in Fergus at the 22nd Annual Fergus Truck Show so we dropped by the small town located about a half hour away from Acton and watched some of the truck pulls, wandered around the show and shine (see above reflection in a shiny truck hubcap) and visited the booths for free pens and stuff. You can see some of my truck pull videos here and here.

 The Canadian Raptor Conservatory also had a beautiful bird of prey on hand to greet the tourists.

Raptor, bird of prey

August 6, 2007
Band family cottage visit

family games, watermelon eating contest

Our annual visit to the Band family cottage at Kawagama Lake (near Dorset) was another beautiful mini vacation. Bruce and Linda, Ann's Aunt and Uncle, invite all their family up for the August long weekend every year and this year there were lots of kids enjoying the weather and fun. We missed the Lake Kawagama Regatta which was held the previous week so they decided to make their own games for the kids to play. The watermelon eating contest was started by the kids and ended by the adults. You can see a slide show movie of the weekend by clicking the video below - it even has a baby bear. You can click on the videos showing Erin waterskiing, the sunrise over Lake Kawagama or the 2007 Kawagama Lake Fireworks.

August 12, 2007
Leathertown Festival

Erin with TJ the lion cub

Erin was crowned the 2007 Leathertown Ambassador during the opening ceremonies of the Leathertown Festival. She will also assist Miss Acton during the Acton Fall Fair. Here she cuddles with TJ the baby lion cub, picture from Exotic Animal Tales. Ann sold quite a few art prints at her booth she set up in the Festival. The day started out so nice but rain soon started falling - only to let up when the Festival was almost over.

August 14, 2007
Spencer's Gorge

Webster's Falls, Hamilton

Taking a weeks holiday I set out on a few adventures that are close to Acton. I decided to explore Spencer's Gorge in Hamilton and soon found myself at Tew's Falls and Webster's Falls. These falls set in the Niagara Escarpment are spectacular. Pictured above is Webster's Falls - you can just see a person in white on a rock near the bottom left of the picture.

Webster's Falls, Hamilton

Here I am under the falls in a cave type area carved out underneath the lower part of the falls. Again you can see a person in blue near the bottom left of the picture. You can also click to see my videos showing the side view and underneath the falls. Tews Falls, not shown, is almost as high as Niagara Falls.

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