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The Hamilton Family of Acton, Ontario, Canada
September 20, 2007
Wildflowers at Dusk

Wildflowers at dusk along the Black Creek, Acton, Ontario

I walk along the Black Creek as night starts to approach but I am not scared because I have my 2 million candle power light. Unfortunately it quickly ran out of power and did not help on my journey home. Before the light fell I was checking out the changing of the leaves. Many trees appear burnt out from the lack of water and do not have spectacular colours. These yellow wildflowers provide some colour and they grow abundantly along the side of the marsh.

September 23, 2007
Cottage Country

fall up near Dorset

The Hamilton Family heads up to Uncle Bruce's cottage near Dorset to help cut out a nature trail in the back forty. We had a lot of fun, with a lot of work, and got to enjoy some fall scenery as a bonus. We got so warm and dirty that we even went swimming in Kawagama Lake which at the time was a little chilly.

red maple leaf during fall

September 28, 2007
Canadian Geese go for a trip

Canadian Geese take off from Fairy Lake in Fall 2007

The Canadian Geese decide to go on a short trip around Fairy Lake. They float around and then let out a few quacks and as a group start flapping and running on water until they lift off. It is quite fascinating to see the birds take off and land on water.

September 14, 2007 (out of order!)
Acton Fall Fair - 2007

The Zipper ride at the 2007 Acton Fall Fair

Acton put on another Fall Fair and it was a lot of fun - the rides, the games, the tractor and 4x4 pulls and all the agricultural stuff. The ride shown above is the Zipper, the cages rotate as the whole ride spins around. Erin was involved in the fairs as the Leathertown Ambassador has been adopted by the Fair as a junior part of the Miss Acton pageant. I have posted more pictures of the 2007 fair here and you can watch a video of the truck pull posted on youtube.

September 29, 2007
Dodge Rodeo Tour

2007 Dodge Rodeo Tour - America shirt falls off her horse

Yee Haw - we took in the 2007 Dodge Rodeo Tour at the Mississauga Hershey Centre! After the national anthems the lady dressed in the American shirt was bucked off her horse - the above picture is the bucking part. Bullriders were also bucked off their bulls - some even had a tough time getting on the bull in the first place.

These cowboys were parked in a small space waiting for their turns. The arena was nice because you didn't have to worry about the weather - but it didn't provide a lot of room or good lighting for the show.

2007 Dodge Rodeo Tour - cowboys waiting their turn

October 3, 2007
Fall on the Niagara Escarpment

fall leaves on the Niagara Escarpment

Fall continues its steady advance and I head out along the Bruce Trail along Helena Road - just along the edge of the Niagara Escarpment. The temperature continues above average and it is, as many people claim, the best time of the year.

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