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The Hamilton Family of Acton, Ontario, Canada
November 9, 2007
Remembrance Day in Acton

Remembrance Day ceremony 2007. Police block off Acton, Ontario downtown Mill Street East for the parade and ceremony.

Halton Regional Police block off Mill Street East in Downtown Acton for the Remembrance Day parade and ceremony. We had a great turnout for the event with beavers, sparks, police, etc. gathering together to pay respect to those that served our Country. The Lorne Scots provided the honour guard at the cenotaph.

2007 Acton Remembrance Day ceremony at the Cenotaph on Mill Street East. Soldiers stand guard at the four corners of the monument.

November 11, 2007
A Toronto Remembrance

Royal Canadian Mounted Police march in the 2007 Toronto Remembrance Day Parade

The big city calls as we attend the 2007 Toronto Remembrance Day parade and ceremony held at Old City Hall on Queen Street right beside the Eaton Centre. The Royal Canadian Police, sans horses, participate in the parade as they march to the Cenotaph. Ann's father played the last post on his trumpet at another location this year - he did play this event last year (see the picture on the first photoblog page). We join the Band Family for a great day of parades and lunch at the Pickle Barrel Restaurant. We stroll though and enjoy the shopping in the huge mall and Erin poses in front of a large colourful advertisement for the Apple Ipod.

Erin poses in front of a colourful ipod ad in the Eaton Centre in Toronto, Ontario

November 17, 2007
Acton Santa Claus Parade

Acton 2007 Santa Claus Parade. Sparky the mascot with a little dalmation.

The Acton Firefighters hosted Acton's Santa Claus Parade on a not to bad November day. The crowds lined the streets as the parade ran from in front of MSB School to Prospect Park through Downtown Acton. The theme for this year was a "Disney Christmas."

Acton 2007 Santa Claus Parade. Antique car is part of the parade

The kids get close to the action to see better and to be ready for a gift of candy from the floats.

Acton 2007 Firefighters Santa Claus Parade. Santa says hi from his carriage

A mother brings her young child up close to Santa in his beautiful horse drawn carriage. The appearance of Santa marks the end of the parade and their was lots of candy given out and lots of waving and shouts of Merry Christmas along the route.

November 17, 2007
A Mountsberg Christmas

Ann and Shawnessy enjoy a cocktail during the days fun

We have a full day planned with Ann's cousin Brian Band and his family. Ann and Shawnessy enjoy a cocktail while dressed up with antlers and mitts (picture by Brian Band). First we took the kids to the "Off the Wall" youth centre for a meeting with Santa Claus where they had cookies and cider and got a free photo with Santa.

Then we watched the 2007 Acton Firefighter's Santa Claus Parade and finally we went to Mountsberg Conservation Area for a night at Christmas Town. The Mountsberg evening started with a horse drawn wagon ride to the temporary north pole. We then got to meet with Santa and later the kids did crafts while sipping some hot chocolate. Fires both inside and outside kept us comfy warm and it was a nice way to spend the day.

Mountsberg Conservation Area - 2007 Christmas Town. The horse drawn wagon used to bring us to the temporary north pole

December 1, 2007
Nothing much

clouds with sunbeams

We head into the dull days of winter - where the sky turns a dull gray and the temperature falls. Drop me an email with a picture of beautiful sunny lands where you live.

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