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The Hamilton Family of Acton, Ontario, Canada
December 10, 2007
2006 Las Vegas Trip

Las Vegas male cast of Sirens of Treasure Island (TI) with tourists

In September of 2006 we headed to Las Vegas for a small vacation getaway with our friend Lorrie and her sister-in-Law Linda. Lorrie's cousin Nicholas was in the cast of Sirens of Treasure Island and he and his friends showed us a great time in Vegas. We didn't get much sleep because we were always on the go.

Lorrie and Ann take the Nascar experience in Las Vegas

Lorrie and Ann got to ride the Nascar Experience and had a great thrill. The driver of Ann's car even drove up and bumped Lorrie's car as they were racing around the track.

December 13, 2007
Acton HS Band Concert

Acton High School Band 2007 Christmas Concert

The members of the Acton High School Band start to get prepared for the night's Christmas Concert. The band is either really good (therefore hot) or the band is playing from the flames of hell. One of the members is startled by my act of taking a picture. Kevin (who just turned 15 this week) calmly looks on so I can't be that scary - or maybe he is used to me.

Two young girls at the Acton High School Band 2007 Christmas Concert

Erin and Emily have checked out the crafts and prizes at the concert. Emily ended up winning two prizes!

December 17, 2007
Snow, what do you know?

Snow on a chain link fence in December, Acton, Ontario

While we are still officially in Fall this year has already had lots of cold temperatures and plenty of snowfall. On the past Sunday about a foot of snow fell on Acton and it was lucky that it was the weekend because the commute would have been horrible. A fallen maple leaf sits stranded in the fence above.

December 21, 2007
Christmas approaches

Ann Hamilton 2007 Christmas Card - watercolour painting

Ann painted a rural winter scene for a Christmas card sent out to celebrate the upcoming holiday. We always look forward to the time away from work and the chance to meet with friends and family.

Erin's school - MacKenzie Smith Bennett, held their Christmas Concert. Erin plays in the grade 7 & 8 band and is also in a play that the school will put on in the new year. They decided to give a sneak peek of the play - Dear Edwina and had performed two musical numbers during the concert. Erin sings the first song in the video which I have uploaded onto Youtube.

December 22, 2007
White Christmas

Christmas decorartions in Toronto's Sony Centre for the performing arts (former Hummingbird Centre)

Ann and I went to see Irving Berlin's White Christmas (the musical) at Toronto's Sony Centre for the Performing Arts. The movie is one of Ann's favourites and she enjoyed the play as well. The above shot is from the second floor looking on the large Christmas ornaments hung over the lobby.

Before we went to see the play we had to stop at Acton Sobeys as the Acton High School Band was on hand to play Christmas music and help with grocery carryouts to raise funds for their upcoming trip to Boston. Ann was the contact for Sobeys and I was their to take pictures. I asked one of Ann's good friends to pose for a picture and we grabbed a coworker to be in the shot with her.

Acton Sobeys staff

Daniel happily agreed to be in the picture and posed with the Seafood Goddess Karen (who is also a cougar).

December 24, 2007
Christmas Eve

Santa Claus pin by artist Ann Hamilton

HO HO HO, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Seasons Greetings and what not. 2007 is fast drawing to a close and I don't know what we will do for New Years Eve. The family wants to stay at home and I would like to do something different. Last year in Brampton was not the best as it was cold and it poured rain all night - still they had bands, fires and fireworks. For Christmas the best part is getting to meet up with family and friends so I hope that you can enjoy this time as well.

The Santa above is a pin that Ann has made, just one of a series of pins, that can be purchased for big bucks. For details check out this webpage.

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