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February 2, 2008
2008 Sobeys Bonspiel

Team Band - 2008 Acton Curling Club Sobeys Bonspiel

Team Band led by skip Shawnessy Band (far left) had a great time at the Acton Curling Clubs 2008 Sobeys Bonspiel. With Shawnessy and Brian's leadership and excellent curling we did well in the two rounds only to fall apart in a roll out event. We came in sixth place and won some Sobeys meat products - Yay! Our first game was with Team Cummings and we had a great time on and off the ice with them.

Team Cummings - 2008 Acton Curling Club Sobeys Bonspiel

Fred was missing from the photo of Team Cummings - above.

February 3, 2008
Toronto's Wintercity

2008 Toronto's Wintercity Festival - Russian circus performers

Their was a break in the snow and Joe and I take in Toronto's Wintercity Festival held at City Hall's Nathan Phillips Sqaure on a relatively mild February Day (thank goodness). The entertainment started with a performance of Alice in Wonderland by Netherlands' Theater Gajes. The surreal show follows the surreal book, which Joe and I have never read, and was staged on stilts above and around the people gathered in the square to watch. We did not watch the entire show (again) but continued sightseeing around the area and caught some circus performers from the Russian State Circus (above) doing some juggling and acrobatics.

2008 Toronto Wintercity Festival - very large chess set with child moving knight

The City had many attractions happening in the square including a very large chess game, a croquet field, outdoor skating, the Flying Canucks, a fire eater, warming tents with free hot chocolate and the list goes on and on.

2008 Toronto Wintercity Festival - Metropolis nail mural by David Partridge in Toronto City Hall

Besides the warming tents their was always City Hall - open for warmth and bathrooms! The nail mural titled "Metropolis" by David Partridge greets visitors as they enter the main doors (above). There was also film shorts by Bravo Fact playing with very comfortable rocking chairs.

At 6pm the City let loose with the WOW! series Finale multi-level fire and fireworks show which was excellent and we slowly made our way back to the car and returned to our homes after a full day.

2008 Toronto Wintercity Festival - Nathan Phillips Square and skyline above outdoor skating rink - crowds at night

February 10, 2008
A day in the sun

Actually it did get sunny out today but we did not go out as planned for some tobagganing as it was very cold (-20 to -30 celcius with the windchill)! We took a quick run into Brampton and almost got in a car accident because Brampton does not do a very good job plowing their streets. Erin had some friends over for a sleepover on Saturday and it seemed like the house was full of girls. In homage to the memory I post the following retro collage of Erin in the backyard.

photo collage of Erin

Thank goodness that there really isn't that many Erin's or we would be driven crazy by now.

February 15, 2008
It tastes awful

Buckleys cough syrup - Younge Dundas Square, Toronto

Buckley's cough syrup set up a taste test at the Yonge and Dundas Square in Toronto. Their slogan is "It tastes awful. And it works." You could sign up and have your picture taking making a face after taking the syrup and it would be posted on a website where people could pick the winning expression (the bad taste tour). I have tasted Buckley's, in fact we have some in our home, and it does have a dreadful taste. You can see some of the faces on Buckley's website.

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