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April 11, 2008
Train tracks on a foggy day

Train tracks run into the distance on a foggy day in Acton, Ontario

Two train tracks converge and head off into the distance on the south side of Acton. We have had some fantastic spring days - with warm temperatures and a bright sun, and most of the snow has melted. April showers have now settled in and we can look forward to May flowers. I have heard that summer will be warmer than average - hurray.

April 17, 2008
Matt Dusk, crooner

Singer Matt Dusk at the Mississauga Living Arts Centre, Ontario, Canada.

As part of Ann's birthday present Joe takes us to see Matt Dusk (I had the song from his website blasting while I wrote this) at the Mississauga Living Arts Centre. The crooner sings in the style of Frank Sinatra and Michael Buble and is very good. Ann and I loved to see him in the reality show Casino where he was one of the hotel entertainers.

I really liked that after the Theatre told us that cameras were banned from the show Matt said he had three rules, you could dance, you could sing and you could use flash photography! Great show, great performance and bring your camera because I highly recommend going to his concert if you get a chance. Here is a youtube video I took of Matt singing Mac the Knife.

Matt Dusk

After the performance Matt heads out to the lobby to sign autographs for the adoring fans. The lineup to meet him was huge!

Singer Matt Dusk signs autographs after a great performance

Autograph seekers gather around singer Matt Dusk after a great concert.

Joe (red hair in blue shirt) gets behind Matt while the excited fans at the head of the autograph lineup meet the singer.

April 19, 2008
Acton Quarry Earth Week

Earth week tree planting at Duffering Aggregates Acton Quarry. April 19, 2008.

Dufferin Aggregates held an Earth Week tree planting at their Acton Quarry Site and I dragged the whole family to a morning of digging, planting and watering. I think they said the volunteers were planting 3000 trees this year.

spades or shovels line the Acton Quarry ready for use in tree planting during the 2008 Earth Week Celebrations

We brought our own shovels and buckets but they had plenty of both available for use. Here is an enthusiastic Scout happy to be doing his part to make the Earth a better place.

Boy Scouts participated in the Acton Quarry's tree planting as part of the 2008 Earth Week Celebrations

April 19, 2008
Rocking Member of Parliment

Member of Parliment (MP) Michael Chong supports the Seniors at a Rocking Fund Raiser held at the Acton Sobeys

Wellington-Halton Hills Member of Parliment (MP) Michael Chong supports seniors during a Rock-a-thon held at Acton's Sobeys. The 36 hour event had people rock'n on a rocking chair for a couple of hours each. Ann and Seafood Goddess joined in although Goddess got a bad bout of motion sickness and had a rough night - she was a tad green they say. 

April 19, 2008
Hike on the Bruce Trail

small swamp along the Bruce Trail north of Milton

During the weekend I went out for a hike along the Bruce Trail between Acton and Milton. Some of the trees were starting to bud and small clusters of white and yellow wildflowers dot the landscape - otherwise the landscape looked a little barren as it wakes from winter. The weather was perfect and no mossquitos or blackflies yet. See a blow up of this panorama on the bottom of this page.

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