17, 2008 |
Matt Dusk, crooner

As part of Ann's
birthday present Joe takes us to see Matt
Dusk (I had the song from his website blasting while I wrote this)
at the Mississauga Living Arts
Centre. The crooner sings in the style of Frank Sinatra and Michael
Buble and is very good. Ann and I loved to see him in the reality show
where he was one of the hotel entertainers.
I really liked
that after the Theatre told us that cameras were banned from the show Matt
said he had three rules, you could dance, you could sing and you could
use flash photography! Great show, great performance and bring your camera
because I highly recommend going to his concert if you get a chance. Here
is a youtube video I took of Matt singing Mac the Knife.

After the performance
Matt heads out to the lobby to sign autographs for the adoring fans. The
lineup to meet him was huge!

Joe (red hair
in blue shirt) gets behind Matt while the excited fans at the head of the
autograph lineup meet the singer.