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April 20, 2008
Waiting for ducklings

Mallard ducks looking for food in Acton's Fairy Lake

We swing by Acton's Prospect Park to look for little baby ducks or geese and don't find any yet. Most of the birds have paired up and the first babies are usually of the Canadian Geese variety, later the baby ducklings will make an appearance.

I love when the ducks feed off the lake bottom, they rotate and push their beaks under water and their ass points to the sky.

April 22, 2008
The World

Nathan Phillip Square Sundial in the Peace Garden, Toronto City Hall, Ontario

A sundial in Nathan Phillips Square in Toronto keeps track of time. I took the picture thinking it was a globe, representing the planet, but I was wrong.

Thinking of Earth also brings to mind the problems going on around the planet - from human rights issues to hunger, from the loss of trillions of dollars in value from stocks, banks, homes, etc and the massive increases we have seen and will see in energy and food. Everything is related - including how we treat the Earth, so hopefully we can all work together to try and fix things. Don't forget small acts of kindness, free hugs, the love of family and friends and contributing to the welfare of people and the planet.

April 22, 2008
Dear Edwina - MSB School

MSB School in Acton presents Dear Edwina

Edwina (Jessica), far left, and the gang gather around Ziggy (Erin) as sings a solo in the McKenzie-Smith Bennett Middle School production of Dear Edwina. Don took the picture - which was difficult to do with the lack of good light and no flash allowed. I will post videos on Youtube of the performance.

April 25, 2008
Texting pay phone

A bell pay phone with a keyboard for texting

The kids were out Friday night so Ann and I went to one of our favourite restaurants - Swiss Chalet (in Milton) and had a nice dinner all by ourselves. Coming out of the restaurant I noticed the pay phone had a keyboard built in - just perfect for texting. This is the first time I have seen one of these phones and I thought it was funny.

April 26, 2008
Who are you

A Horned Owl from the University of Guelph's Wildlife Education and Environmental Program (WEEP)

A Horned Owl keeps a close eye on everyone around the University of Guelph's Wildlife Education and Environmental Program (WEEP) booth at the Earth Day Celebrations held in Georgetown, Ontario. They also brought a Hawk and a Turkey Vulture for everyone to see up close.

April 25, 2008
A visit to Swift Rapids

Don Mincoff at Swift Rapids Dam and Locks, Ontario.

Sorry, a bit out of order but there were a lot of photos to edit. Don and I visited Swift Rapids Dam and Locks - he grew up in the colony that was part of the Dam. You can see pictures of our 2008 adventure starting on this page.

April 27, 2008
Heart & Stroke Big Bike

Heart and Stroke Foundation Big Bike

I was in Georgetown covering the Heart and Stroke Big Bike event and was impressed with the size of the bike - it is a big bike! Groups of 30 people ride to raise money for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Check out their website at www.bigbike.ca.

Heart and Stroke Big Bike,  60 feet long and 30 people ride

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