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The Hamilton Family of Acton, Ontario, Canada
May 2, 2008
Brianna's new puppy

Brianna's new puppy - oh so cute.

Erin joined her friend at the Emu farm and they had a great time playing with Brianna's new puppy - Kodiak. It looks solid like a baby rottweiler and it sure is cute and it still has the new puppy smell. I think he thinks that Erin's thumb is a T-bone steak. Brianna took the pictures.

Brainna's new puppy

May 3, 2008
Boston band trip

Kevin and Kyle get ready to start their band trip to Boston in May 2008

Acton High School filled up a bus with their band and started their 2008 trip to Boston. Kevin had to run to help get all the luggage and instruments into the belly of the large coach. Kevin and Kyle take a quick break to say goodbye to us. The band tours the Boston area and also plays two concerts while in the States.

May 4, 2008
Ann with tulips

Canadian artist Ann Hamilton

Ann holds onto some tulips that I had recently purchased for her - they seem a little droopy at this point. Ann is a talented artist and we will be looking for places to show and sell her prints (she almost never lets go of the originals) - so if you have any space in your gallery please contact us by email, thanks.

May 9, 2008
Papa Duke

Papa Duke's Vasyl Popadiuk

I had submitted a ballot at the Mississauga Living Arts Centre before Matt Dusk's performance and won a set of tickets to go see the band - Papa Duke, led by Vasyl Popadiuk (above). It was an interesting musical group which combines classical, jazz, Latin, pop and gypsy music. He certainly is amazing on the violin.

May 10, 2008
Acton forest wakes in spring

small forest beside Acton High School in spring 2008

The forest beside Acton High School starts to come out of hibernation as spring continues. We are a little cooler than we were a few weeks ago but the sun makes up for it. Leaves on trees are sprouting and ground cover starts to turn the areas of forest floor green. It was a little weird walking through the forest because there were billions (or so it seemed) of mosquitos flying around but they were not biting yet - and without bug juice with me I would have come running out of the forest in minutes if they had wanted some blood!

We were out this way on a beautiful Saturday morning as Erin's outdoor soccer league started today - she is on the orange team. The team gathers around Coach Pauline.

2008 Acton outdoor soccer team - orange

May 10, 2008
And they're off

Harness racing at Mohawk Race Track, Ontario

We drop by Mohawk Racetrack for a night of Standardbred Harness Racing and we come home big winners! I had the nights biggest haul in our little group - total win about $12, total losses - don't ask. It was a fun night and it provided plenty of thrills for a couple of hours for a small loss of some of our money. Here is a tight group coming into the finish line - none of them were the ones that I bet on, as usual. Most times the horse that Shawnessy bet on came last - better luck next time.

Mohawk is about 20 minutes south of Acton, it is along Guelph Line just north of Highway 401.

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