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May 11, 2008
Whitewater kayak race

Whitewater kayak slalom race in the Elora Gorge, Ontario. Sunday May 11, 2008

A Whitewater Ontario kayaker runs a slalom race in the Elora Gorge on the final day of the weekend event. The powers that be crank up the water on the Elora River just for the weekend racing and the churning rapids make for exciting kayak runs.

For more pictures of the days races you can click here.

May 11, 2008
Woolwich covered bridge

Woolwich covered bridge

This was Ontario's last covered bridge (there is now a pedestrian one in Guelph) and it still takes regular traffic, although it is only a one lane bridge. The bridge, built in 1881, is located in Woolwich and crosses the Grand River. It's nice because when it rains your car doesn't get wet, but only when you are in the bridge! It's also supposed to be a kissing bridge but since I was with Joe I didn't give it a go.

Woolwich covered bridge

May 13, 2008
Street and Flowers

Main Street at Mill Street - intersection under repair, Acton, Ontario

King Construction has returned to site to finish off the paving on Main Street. Our street (Church St) will be under construction this year as well so there will be a lot of dust in the air. The view from the picture is looking north towards the Mill St intersection.

The temperature finally climbed over 20 degrees today and the warm sun brought back the pleasant feeling of spring - so in celebration I took some pictures of flowers (and a weed) around Acton. The first is a flowering tree at the Acton Library. It makes for some nice colour after the winter doldrums.

tree with flowers

blue flowers

dandelion weed

May 15, 2008
Ann and Erin

Ann and Erin Hamilton along the shores of Fairy Lake in Prospect Park, Ontario

Erin and Ann pose for photos along the shores of Fairy Lake in Acton's Prospect Park. We came down for the information session at the Acton Legion regarding the proposed Church Street road construction works planned for July of this year. Then we searched for little baby geese but there were none around yet so I asked the girls to model for me.

May 18, 2008
Victoria Day

Georgetown 2008 Bang-O-Rama rides at night

I was at the Georgetown Bang-O-Rama during the Victoria Day long weekend. My son said he thought it was a porno type thing! Part of the show did involve fireworks so the bang did make sense. The Optimist club puts on the event which includes a midway, games and other entertainment. The following picture is a collage of some of the night's fireworks.

Georgetown Bang-O-Rama 2008 fireworks - photo collage

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