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May 18, 2008
Erin plays with sparklers

Erin plays with some sparklers during 2008 Victoria Day long weekend

After the firework show in Georgetown we return home where we bring out some sparklers left over from last year. It reminds me of the time when we went to the parking lot next door and set off a few fireworks during Canada Day and some guy came outside just screaming at us.

May 20, 2008
A morning's sunrise

sunrise on May 20, 2008 just north of Milton, Ontario

I get an early start to the day, what with the commute and all, and a perfect sunrise was there to greet me as I passed through the rural area on my way to Toronto. The clouds managed to cut the sun in half. Throughout the rest of the day the sun managed to hang around with some friendly clouds (because they did not leak) so it was a pretty nice day. This has been your weather report for the day - I hope your weather was even better.

May 23, 2008
A Fairy Lake evening

Fairy Lake, Prospect Park, Acton, Ontario

Friday evening I head down to Prospect Park to see if the little baby birds have hatched but I hear no peeps of the tiny birds. I circle around the edge of the lake but all I see is a beaver or muskrat (actually it could also be the monster of Fairy Lake!) at the west end of the park heading towards the creek which feeds into Fairy Lake. 

beaver or muskrat

Speaking of swimming I note that they have put the float line along the new swimming area, but I would suggest that it is a trifle cold yet to go in for a dip.

Fairy Lake new swimming area, float line

May 24, 2008
Chance 4 Change

a tarantula in someone's hands

Halton Region held the Acton Youth's Chance 4 Change at Prospect Park and it was very well attended. The event was for families and "youts" and there were many attractions including various critters from ReptileParty.com. They brought Mrs Fuzzy Bottoms the tarantula and the large snake everyone got a chance to touch and a big turtle that liked to wander. 

petting a big snake

Maple Lodge Farms was supporting the event with free hot dogs and Acton Sobeys staff got together and provided free bottled water. Ann helped ran the Art Table where people could create individual canvas paintings for display. The many musical performances put on by a lot of local bands such as "Burnt Toast" and "Trees" really made for a great day.

large drum circle at the 2008 Acton Youth's Chance 4 Change in Prospect Park, Ontario

The bands took a break as a large drum circle burst forth in pounding rhythm. The circle included Councillor Jon Hurst, Mayor Rick Bonnette, Halton Region Chair Gary Carr, MPP Ted Arnott and MP Mike Chong as well as a number of youths. I hope that they continue with this event next year.

May 31, 2008
Fergus and Elora

Elora River in the Town of Fergus

It was an interesting weather day as Ann and I drove to the Fergus and Elora area (about 1/2 hour away from Acton). We saw many rain and thunder clouds but only got a bit wet - we kept driving out of the storms. Here is the Grand River as it passes through the Town of Fergus. They have a great path system along the banks of the river and the historic town has wide streets and very old buildings made with local limestone rocks.

Elora Quarry Conservation Area

Between Fergus and Elora we explore the Elora Quarry Conservation Area. It is a small lake in an old quarry and is adjacent to the Grand River. The water has quite a bit of algae in some areas so you would have to be careful when you went in for a dip.

dandelion bloom

The fluffy seeds of dandelion weeds wait for some children to blow them into the great unknown.

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