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The Hamilton Family of Acton, Ontario, Canada
June 2, 2008
Prospect Park

sunrise over Fairy Lake

Spring is heading slowly into summer and while I continue to look for little baby birds they continue to elude me. The sun begins to set over Fairy Lake.

dirty wading pond

The small wading pool in Prospect Park collects leaves until the day the get the pool ready for the summer swimming season. I don't know when the plan to replace this pool with a splash pad.

June 7, 2008
Goslings sighting

Canada Goose with baby goslings

On a warm Saturday at the waters off Acton Legion I finally see a small group of Canada Geese babies. I see only two small groups, one of 4 and a slightly older group of five. Usually there are a heck of a lot more babies than this so I'm thinking that someone has begun to kill off the eggs before the goslings can hatch by spraying the eggs with mineral oil or safflower oil.

small Canada Geese goslings

June 8, 2008
Enjoying Lake Ontario

dogs at the beach looking at a ball thrown in the water

The GTA finally had a taste of summer with temperatures on the weekend above 30 degrees celcius. We checked out the shores of Lake Ontario from Cherry Beach to Humber Bay.

The Bay at Cherry Beach was full of sail boats and a few windsurfers while a few kite surfers were out of luck as the wind wasn't strong enough to pull them. I think that there were as many dogs as people down cooling off by the water. There was a large group of dogs fetching balls thrown into the water although some were to scared to go after the balls. The group of dogs above was watching a little Jack Russel terrior retrieving a ball from some distance out while the waves rolled up on shore.

wet dog with a ball at the beach

June 13 to 16, 2008

Kevin with an arret stop sign in old Quebec City

Our weekend journey of 2 300km brought us into the Belle Province of Quebec for a long weekend visit in Quebec City. Kevin holds an arret stop sign (the real road signs do not say stop, only arret) fridge magnet in the beautiful old town or Vieux-Quebec Interior. For more of our visit please click here.

June 28, 2008

ducklings in Fairy Lake at dusk

We saw only one family of Mallard ducklings in Fairy Lake and we didn't bring any food with us so the only thing we got to see was their backsides as the swam away in the dusk.

Yesterday we had fun during the start of the Canada Day long weekend - we went to see Get Smart at the Galaxy Theatres in Milton. We really enjoyed the movie - they did a great job. With the rain and clouds we hung around home today and went for a walk in Prospect Park. On the way out we stopped at the playground where the kids have played since they were wee little tikes. Kevin got on the spring car - I think it used to be a bulldozer many years ago.

Kevin plays on the spring car in the Prospect Park playground

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