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The Hamilton Family of Acton, Ontario, Canada
June 25, 2008
Rockwood Park

Mincoffs at the Rockwood Conservation Area - old mill

We were scouting around the Rockwood area for some great places to take some pictures and we ended up in the fantastic Rockwood Conservation Area through which flows the Grand River. The park has a lot of camping spots available and a day entrance costs $4.25 per person. The above shot is taken in the old mill with the walls of the building built in the mid 1800's still standing.

There is a small waterfall flowing into the lake which is full of small islands. Quite a few years ago we rented canoes and paddled through the lake.

Rockwood Conservation Area - Grand River waterfall near the old mill

We later checked out the picnic building perched high above the beach area. Part of the Mincoff family gathers as the dusk quickly drops the available light.

The Mincoff family at the Rockwood Conservation Area

July 1, 2008
Canada Day

Volunteers for the Acton Firefighters Association collect donations for the Canada Day Fireworks Show

Volunteers for the Acton Firefighters Association collect donations for the Canada Day Fireworks Show in Prospect Park. The show was once again amazing.

A large firework explodes above the treeline at Acton's Prospect Park during the 2008 Canada Day celebrations

For more pictures of how Acton celebrated the event click here.

July 5, 2008
Jenn's wedding

Jennifer after she married Tadeo, July 5, 2008

Ann and I and several of our friends were in Mississauga on a lovely Saturday watching Jennifer get married to Tadeo. Jenn is one of Ann's friends from Sobeys and we had a great time watching her get married and partying with her later that night at the reception. Both her and her dress were gorgeous - congrats Jenn!

July 8, 2009
dusk at Fairy Lake

dusk at Fairy Lake, Acton, Ontario

Our cool, wet summer continues but sometimes we get lucky and it is a beautiful day. The sun starts to set over Fairy Lake, near the Dover Mill.

July 10, 2008
dragonfly drops by


A dragonfly with some interesting wings drops by for a short rest in our backyard.

July 12, 2008
2008 Geneseo Air Show

F4 Corsair prop airplane world war 2

Joe and I visited the US and went to the Geneseo Air Show which features WWII military aircraft (and a few modern ones) and which is billed as the "best show on turf." The F4 Corsair shown above is one of my favourite planes because it looks so cool and because of the TV show Baa Baa Black Sheep.

The best part of the show was the access to the planes - up close and personal. For more pictures of the show please click here.

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