25, 2008 |
Just for laughs

We bought tickets
to the 2008 Just for Laughs Toronto Festival - hosted by Jason
Alexander (George from Seinfeld,
above) because we had to see him in person. They had a great lineup and
we spent the night laughing. One of the headliners was Robert
Klein, movie star and comedian from the States (below).

After the show
we wander amongst the thousands on Yonge Street which has been closed to
cars for the festival. We see the amazing cirque type creations wandering
the street - including a giant praying mantis and a herd of giraffes. Passing
a bar we are surprised when out comes star Robert Klein whom we join on
our way back to Massey Hall and before he left he posed with the girls.

Here is the praying
mantis early in the day at the Yonge Dundas Square - waiting for his chance
to rampage through the crowded metropolitan streets wreaking havoc in his
path - see the Youtube
video here. Later in the evening we saw a gentle herd of giraffes wandering
on Yonge Street.
