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A visit to the Belle Province of Quebec - continued

We encounter Minke, Beluga and Fin whales along with a large group of seals in our zodiac expedition along the St Lawrence River. The weather was cold, cloudy and rained for most of our journey but it was still worth it to see the whales swimming in the wild - very expensive, but well recommended.

whale blowing water while swimming in the St Lawrence River

whale in the St Lawrence beside watching boat

group of seals in the St Lawrence River

The photo above shows a large group of seals swimming out in the St Lawrence River. We detour through Fjord Saguenay and boat beside the steep cliffs and encounter a thin waterfall.

zodiac ride in the Fjor Daguenay beside the St Lawrence River

waterfall in Fjord Saguenay along the St Lawrence River

The Hamilton family at the AML whale expedition in Quebec, suited up and ready for the zodiac ride

After the cold, wet but very successful whale watching adventure we immediately began our now 13 hour drive back to the small town of Acton. We look dry in the picture above but that is before we started the trip! 

We encountered very friendly people in Quebec and had a great vacation. 

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