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Looking towards the Maria Street Bridge in Acton, Ontario

Looking from the edge of Frederick Street South looking along the old railway spur line to the Maria Street Bridge. In the foreground would be where the old Beardmore Tannery community centre and arena was.

The start of the Black Creek Pathway in Acton, Ontario

Looking from Frederick Street South towards the start of the pathway along the edge of Black Creek.

Pathway gate between Black Creek and Crescent St in Acton, Ontario

Looking south along the path between Crescent Street (at left) and Black Creek which is to the right. The gate also marks the eastern boundary of the Beardmore Tannery Property in this area.

The trees along the nature trail are covered in snow and have interesting shadows in the sun

The trees collect snow while the sunny winter day provides some great beauty to admire along the way.

A Region of Halton sewer manhole peaks out of the snow

Region of Halton (ROH) sewer manhole covers, with green markers, peak out of the snow along the route.

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